Distance from Belfast to Coventry

Distance information from Belfast, United Kingdom to Coventry

Geographical distance from Belfast to Coventry

380.54 kilometers
235.98 seven miles
205.18 nautical miles

Road distance from Belfast to Coventry

Distance on the map From Belfast, United Kingdom to Coventry

Closest distances from Belfast, United Kingdom

City Distance
Dublin 141.18 km
Glasgow 175.98 km
Keswick, Cumbria 180.2 km
Wicklow 180.31 km
Edinburgh 229.23 km
Liverpool 233.72 km
Bardon Mill, Hexham 234.04 km
Crieff 237.53 km
Galway 252.25 km
Bolton 255.01 km
Manchester 271.22 km
Waterford 272.26 km
Bradford 286.27 km
Sunderland 293.14 km
Leeds 298.53 km
Sheffield 321.89 km
York 322.79 km
Inverness 337.26 km
Cork 345.5 km
Derby 347.27 km
Sandwell 350.66 km
Birmingham 355.61 km
Nottingham 363.08 km
Maesteg - Wales 365.43 km
Killarney 368.95 km
Aberdeen 370.27 km
Porthcawl - Wales 377.43 km
Bridgend 377.97 km
Coventry 380.54 km
Leicester 384.72 km

Select city to calculate distance from Belfast, United Kingdom

Check distances from Coventry

City Distance
Birmingham 27.29 km
Sandwell 32.38 km
Leicester 36.16 km
Derby 57.28 km
Nottingham 65.45 km
Milton Keynes 67.68 km
Cheltenham 68.45 km
Nailsworth 92.67 km
Sheffield 108.6 km
Chipping Sodbury 114.12 km