Distance from Sunderland to Dublin

Distance information from Sunderland, United Kingdom to Dublin

Geographical distance from Sunderland to Dublin

361.73 kilometers
224.18 seven miles
194.92 nautical miles

Road distance from Sunderland to Dublin

Distance on the map From Sunderland, United Kingdom to Dublin

Closest distances from Sunderland, United Kingdom

City Distance
Bardon Mill, Hexham 61.08 km
York 107.15 km
Keswick, Cumbria 116.68 km
Leeds 123.59 km
Bradford 126.02 km
Bolton 162.13 km
Edinburgh 162.45 km
Manchester 167.85 km
Sheffield 169.38 km
Liverpool 195.77 km
Glasgow 209.68 km
Nottingham 217.51 km
Derby 220.7 km
Crieff 224.56 km
Leicester 253.2 km
Aberdeen 253.5 km
Sandwell 269.53 km
Birmingham 271.3 km
Coventry 277.98 km
Belfast 293.14 km
Milton Keynes 322.16 km
Bury St Edmunds 326.97 km
Inverness 335.05 km
Cheltenham 337.4 km
Nailsworth 361.03 km
Dublin 361.73 km
Colchester 367.68 km
Wicklow 372.03 km
Chipping Sodbury 380.35 km
London 388.15 km

Select city to calculate distance from Sunderland, United Kingdom

Check distances from Dublin

City Distance
Wicklow 43.32 km
Waterford 133.91 km
Belfast 141.18 km
Galway 185.76 km
Liverpool 217.99 km
Cork 220.24 km
Keswick, Cumbria 247.93 km
Bolton 255.33 km
Killarney 261.07 km
Maesteg - Wales 261.57 km