Distance from Bradenton, FL to Charleston, SC

Distance information from Bradenton, FL, United States (USA) to Charleston, SC

Geographical distance from Bradenton, FL to Charleston, SC

640.72 kilometers
397.44 seven miles
345.57 nautical miles

Road distance from Bradenton, FL to Charleston, SC

Distance on the map From Bradenton, FL, United States (USA) to Charleston, SC

Closest distances from Bradenton, FL, United States (USA)

City Distance
Tampa 52.8 km
Lakeland, FL 87.44 km
Fort Myers, FL 117.66 km
Sanibel Island, FL 125.63 km
Orlando 165.77 km
Naples, FL 170.83 km
Ocala, FL 193.56 km
Daytona beach 244.24 km
Lake city, FL 300.06 km
Miami, FL 305.03 km
Jacksonville, FL 328.19 km
Tallahassee 367.09 km
Valdosta 377.51 km
Havana 486.84 km
Dothan 496.75 km
Varadero 500.26 km
Savannah, GA 529.24 km
Statesboro 556.84 km
Nassau 588.28 km
Charleston, SC 640.72 km
Charleston 640.74 km
Mobile, AL 641.28 km
Augusta, GE 666.92 km
Eleuthera 699.1 km
Atlanta, GA 717.49 km
Athens, GE 723.34 km
Columbia, SC 739.07 km
Hattiesburg 777.05 km
New Orleans, LA 779.81 km
Birmingham, AL 782.92 km

Select city to calculate distance from Bradenton, FL, United States (USA)

Check distances from Charleston, SC

City Distance
Charleston 0.13 km
Savannah, GA 135.04 km
Columbia, SC 170.04 km
Statesboro 176.66 km
Augusta, GE 207.32 km
Wilmington 244.64 km
Fayetteville 271.06 km
Charlotte, NC 285 km
Jacksonville, FL 317.54 km
Jacksonville, NC 319.96 km