Distance from Cedar Rapids IO to Evansville, KY

Distance information from Cedar Rapids IO, United States (USA) to Evansville, KY

Geographical distance from Cedar Rapids IO to Evansville, KY

565.13 kilometers
350.87 seven miles
305.08 nautical miles

Road distance from Cedar Rapids IO to Evansville, KY

Distance on the map From Cedar Rapids IO, United States (USA) to Evansville, KY

Closest distances from Cedar Rapids IO, United States (USA)

City Distance
Des Moines 166.1 km
Peoria 224.98 km
Milwaukee, WI 326.1 km
Chicago, IL 333.01 km
Minneapolis, MN 357.53 km
Omaha, NE 366.54 km
St. Louis 392.72 km
Kansas City, MO 405.34 km
Green Bay 408.66 km
Lincoln, NE 438.58 km
Terre haute 454.54 km
Topeka, KS 471.21 km
Manhattan, KS 518.29 km
Indianapolis, IN 524.89 km
Evansville, KY 565.13 km
Louisville 651.1 km
Dayton 675.75 km
Wichita, KS 677.93 km
Wichita KS 678.39 km
Cincinnati 683.54 km
Jonesboro, AR 689.15 km
Detroit, MI 711.37 km
Windsor 718.98 km
Thunder Bay 738.15 km
Tulsa, OK 747.8 km
Jackson, TN 748.99 km
Lexington 750.83 km
Columbus, OH 761.42 km
North Platte 762.74 km
Sarnia 767.45 km

Select city to calculate distance from Cedar Rapids IO, United States (USA)

Check distances from Evansville, KY

City Distance
Louisville 159.56 km
Terre haute 164.45 km
Nashville, TN 215.35 km
Indianapolis, IN 231.75 km
St. Louis 241.62 km
Lexington 267.93 km
Jackson, TN 286.55 km
Cincinnati 291.5 km
Peoria 347.63 km
Dayton 351.41 km