Distance from Cincinnati to Lynchburg, VA

Distance information from Cincinnati, United States (USA) to Lynchburg, VA

Geographical distance from Cincinnati to Lynchburg, VA

505.42 kilometers
313.61 seven miles
272.68 nautical miles

Road distance from Cincinnati to Lynchburg, VA

Distance on the map From Cincinnati, United States (USA) to Lynchburg, VA

Closest distances from Cincinnati, United States (USA)

City Distance
Dayton 78.18 km
Lexington 117.3 km
Louisville 143.44 km
Indianapolis, IN 158.76 km
Columbus, OH 160.96 km
Mansfield 250.83 km
Terre haute 252.55 km
Evansville, KY 291.5 km
Canton 327.31 km
Knoxville 351.66 km
Cleveland, OH 358.72 km
Windsor 374.06 km
Detroit, MI 380.95 km
Nashville, TN 384.03 km
Youngstown 396.81 km
Chicago, IL 406.7 km
Pittsburgh, PA 413.98 km
Chattanooga 456.62 km
Sarnia 466.07 km
Peoria 467.38 km
St. Louis 494.86 km
Lynchburg, VA 505.42 km
London, Ontario 512.14 km
Huntsville 520.05 km
Milwaukee, WI 524.5 km
Luray, VA 526.66 km
Fort Payne 528.93 km
Charlotte, NC 539.59 km
Jackson, TN 542.17 km
Brantford 573.69 km

Select city to calculate distance from Cincinnati, United States (USA)

Check distances from Lynchburg, VA

City Distance
Richmond 152.13 km
Luray, VA 152.46 km
Raleigh 186.06 km
Washington, DC 248.77 km
Greenville, NC 255.72 km
Norfolk 260.97 km
Fayetteville 263.14 km
Virginia Beach, VA 278.45 km
Charlotte, NC 286.35 km
Baltimore, MD 304.7 km