Distance from Louisville to Pittsburgh, PA

Distance information from Louisville, United States (USA) to Pittsburgh, PA

Geographical distance from Louisville to Pittsburgh, PA

552 kilometers
342.17 seven miles
297.52 nautical miles

Road distance from Louisville to Pittsburgh, PA

Distance on the map From Louisville, United States (USA) to Pittsburgh, PA

Closest distances from Louisville, United States (USA)

City Distance
Lexington 112.86 km
Cincinnati 143.44 km
Evansville, KY 159.56 km
Indianapolis, IN 171.92 km
Terre haute 196.81 km
Dayton 215.62 km
Nashville, TN 250.48 km
Knoxville 300.96 km
Columbus, OH 304.2 km
Chattanooga 358.85 km
St. Louis 389.04 km
Mansfield 393.56 km
Huntsville 398.75 km
Jackson, TN 399.08 km
Fort Payne 423.38 km
Peoria 426.19 km
Chicago, IL 434.16 km
Canton 470.42 km
Cleveland, OH 501.15 km
Windsor 504.25 km
Detroit, MI 509.56 km
Memphis, TN 513.31 km
Jonesboro, AR 513.91 km
Atlanta, GA 515.2 km
Tupelo, MI 516.61 km
Athens, GE 523.36 km
Birmingham, AL 534.58 km
Youngstown 539.76 km
Charlotte, NC 551.88 km
Pittsburgh, PA 552 km

Select city to calculate distance from Louisville, United States (USA)

Check distances from Pittsburgh, PA

City Distance
Youngstown 91.64 km
Canton 123.12 km
Cleveland, OH 184.29 km
Mansfield 216.13 km
Luray, VA 237.19 km
Columbus, OH 260.82 km
Harrisburg, PA 263.88 km
Buffalo 287.33 km
London, Ontario 301.45 km
Brantford 301.49 km