Distance from Lynchburg, VA to Columbia, SC

Distance information from Lynchburg, VA, United States (USA) to Columbia, SC

Geographical distance from Lynchburg, VA to Columbia, SC

415.49 kilometers
257.72 seven miles
224.08 nautical miles

Road distance from Lynchburg, VA to Columbia, SC

Distance on the map From Lynchburg, VA, United States (USA) to Columbia, SC

Closest distances from Lynchburg, VA, United States (USA)

City Distance
Richmond 152.13 km
Luray, VA 152.46 km
Raleigh 186.06 km
Washington, DC 248.77 km
Greenville, NC 255.72 km
Norfolk 260.97 km
Fayetteville 263.14 km
Virginia Beach, VA 278.45 km
Charlotte, NC 286.35 km
Baltimore, MD 304.7 km
Salisbury 329.25 km
Jacksonville, NC 333.61 km
Pittsburgh, PA 345.11 km
Wilmington 370.77 km
Harrisburg, PA 375.23 km
Columbia, SC 415.49 km
Canton 423.16 km
Youngstown 430.39 km
Columbus, OH 438.41 km
Philadelphia, PA 444.37 km
Knoxville 455.22 km
Atlantic City 464.96 km
Mansfield 473.02 km
Lexington 475.95 km
Trenton 492.37 km
Cleveland, OH 504.41 km
Cincinnati 505.42 km
Augusta, GE 509.21 km
Dayton 510.03 km
Charleston 519.8 km

Select city to calculate distance from Lynchburg, VA, United States (USA)

Check distances from Columbia, SC

City Distance
Augusta, GE 107.69 km
Charlotte, NC 137.48 km
Charleston 169.92 km
Charleston, SC 170.04 km
Statesboro 186.12 km
Savannah, GA 214.49 km
Athens, GE 214.91 km
Fayetteville 229.68 km
Wilmington 285.74 km
Raleigh 295.15 km