Distance from Manhattan, KS to Tulsa, OK

Distance information from Manhattan, KS, United States (USA) to Tulsa, OK

Geographical distance from Manhattan, KS to Tulsa, OK

343.83 kilometers
213 seven miles
185.21 nautical miles

Road distance from Manhattan, KS to Tulsa, OK

Distance on the map From Manhattan, KS, United States (USA) to Tulsa, OK

Closest distances from Manhattan, KS, United States (USA)

City Distance
Topeka, KS 79.64 km
Kansas City, MO 171.53 km
Wichita, KS 179.18 km
Wichita KS 179.39 km
Lincoln, NE 179.95 km
Omaha, NE 236.89 km
Tulsa, OK 343.83 km
Des Moines 368.07 km
North Platte 415.17 km
Oklahoma City, OK 419.31 km
Forth smith 466.56 km
Fort Smith, AR 471.53 km
Cedar Rapids IO 518.29 km
St. Louis 556.84 km
Conway 586.13 km
Hot Springs, AR 610.45 km
Wichita falls 612.34 km
Peoria 619.94 km
Little rock 626.09 km
Jonesboro, AR 641.39 km
Decatur, Texas 669.38 km
Minneapolis, MN 698.67 km
Pueblo, CO 703.86 km
Colorado Springs, CO 711.22 km
Dallas, TX 714.21 km
Manitou Springs, CO 718.15 km
Arlington, TX 719.79 km
Fort Worth, TX 719.93 km
Denver, CO 722.64 km
Memphis, TN 737.75 km

Select city to calculate distance from Manhattan, KS, United States (USA)

Check distances from Tulsa, OK

City Distance
Oklahoma City, OK 152.15 km
Forth smith 165.95 km
Fort Smith, AR 170.72 km
Wichita, KS 208.44 km
Wichita KS 208.88 km
Hot Springs, AR 322.74 km
Topeka, KS 323.68 km
Wichita falls 338.26 km
Conway 340.16 km
Manhattan, KS 343.83 km