Distance from Raleigh to Luray, VA

Distance information from Raleigh, United States (USA) to Luray, VA

Geographical distance from Raleigh to Luray, VA

320.99 kilometers
198.72 seven miles
172.79 nautical miles

Road distance from Raleigh to Luray, VA

Distance on the map From Raleigh, United States (USA) to Luray, VA

Closest distances from Raleigh, United States (USA)

City Distance
Fayetteville 84.35 km
Greenville, NC 116.7 km
Jacksonville, NC 159.59 km
Wilmington 185.27 km
Lynchburg, VA 186.06 km
Charlotte, NC 209.17 km
Richmond 223.24 km
Norfolk 242.18 km
Virginia Beach, VA 258.71 km
Columbia, SC 295.15 km
Luray, VA 320.99 km
Charleston 354.95 km
Charleston, SC 354.97 km
Washington, DC 374.08 km
Salisbury 394.23 km
Augusta, GE 401.74 km
Baltimore, MD 429.4 km
Statesboro 470.45 km
Savannah, GA 471.39 km
Athens, GE 476.61 km
Knoxville 476.84 km
Harrisburg, PA 523.81 km
Pittsburgh, PA 531.09 km
Atlantic City 544.13 km
Philadelphia, PA 553.01 km
Atlanta, GA 571.53 km
Lexington 578.14 km
Trenton 598.79 km
Columbus, OH 601.19 km
Canton 606.3 km

Select city to calculate distance from Raleigh, United States (USA)

Check distances from Luray, VA

City Distance
Washington, DC 127.52 km
Lynchburg, VA 152.46 km
Richmond 154.15 km
Baltimore, MD 174.15 km
Harrisburg, PA 225.03 km
Pittsburgh, PA 237.19 km
Salisbury 251.22 km
Norfolk 277.81 km
Virginia Beach, VA 289.88 km
Philadelphia, PA 314.96 km