Distance from Richmond to Jacksonville, NC

Distance information from Richmond, United States (USA) to Jacksonville, NC

Geographical distance from Richmond to Jacksonville, NC

310.3 kilometers
192.51 seven miles
167.39 nautical miles

Road distance from Richmond to Jacksonville, NC

Distance on the map From Richmond, United States (USA) to Jacksonville, NC

Closest distances from Richmond, United States (USA)

City Distance
Norfolk 127.05 km
Virginia Beach, VA 141.49 km
Lynchburg, VA 152.13 km
Luray, VA 154.15 km
Washington, DC 154.32 km
Salisbury 185.17 km
Baltimore, MD 207.64 km
Greenville, NC 215.27 km
Raleigh 223.24 km
Fayetteville 305.85 km
Harrisburg, PA 309.05 km
Jacksonville, NC 310.3 km
Philadelphia, PA 330.5 km
Atlantic City 330.64 km
Wilmington 372.43 km
Trenton 376.91 km
Pittsburgh, PA 391.24 km
Charlotte, NC 399.69 km
Sacranton, PA 456.45 km
New York, NY 463.2 km
Youngstown 482.86 km
Yonkers 485.33 km
Canton 496.73 km
Columbia, SC 510.71 km
Columbus, OH 552.58 km
Mansfield 566.26 km
New haven 570.47 km
Cleveland, OH 571.58 km
Charleston 576.67 km
Charleston, SC 576.68 km

Select city to calculate distance from Richmond, United States (USA)

Check distances from Jacksonville, NC

City Distance
Wilmington 76.33 km
Greenville, NC 95.22 km
Fayetteville 137.12 km
Raleigh 159.59 km
Norfolk 255.18 km
Virginia Beach, VA 263.89 km
Richmond 310.3 km
Charlotte, NC 316.7 km
Charleston, SC 319.96 km
Charleston 320 km