Distance from Agen to Poitiers

Distance information from Agen, France to Poitiers

Geographical distance from Agen to Poitiers

265.52 kilometers
164.57 seven miles
143.09 nautical miles

Road distance from Agen to Poitiers

Distance on the map From Agen, France to Poitiers

Closest distances from Agen, France

City Distance
Toulouse 93.19 km
Bordeaux 118.54 km
Pau 128.03 km
Bayonne 186.83 km
Limoges 187.98 km
Andorra la Vella 201.91 km
San Sebastian 231.18 km
Pamplona (Iruna) 239.4 km
Perpignan 247.75 km
La Rochelle 258.57 km
Clermont-Ferrand 261.4 km
Poitiers 265.52 km
Montpellier 269.09 km
Vic 285.3 km
Lleida 287.68 km
Manresa 291.95 km
Nimes 301.17 km
Bilbao 304.03 km
Girona Salt 304.45 km
Vitoria Gasteiz 305.72 km
Zaragoza 308.95 km
Logrono 314.66 km
Saint-Etienne 328.01 km
Castell-Platja d'Aro 330.63 km
Blanes 331.63 km
Avignon 335.45 km
Barcelona 336.63 km
Reus 341.29 km
Tarragona 346.88 km
Salou 350.12 km

Select city to calculate distance from Agen, France

Check distances from Poitiers

City Distance
Tours 93.3 km
Limoges 109.74 km
Angers 120.43 km
La Rochelle 123.98 km
Le Mans 158.65 km
Nantes 160.87 km
Orleans 188.83 km
Bordeaux 207.02 km
Rennes 226.36 km
Clermont-Ferrand 229.92 km
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France, Agen